Mar 11, 2008

Nine Inch Nails and the Pirate Bay

Last week, Nine Inch Nails released Ghosts I, part of the 36 track Ghosts I-IV for free, under a Creative Commons licence. It's hardly surprising, as Trent Reznor is one of the few 'established' artists who's willing to try new approaches to distributing his music.

The link below is direct to the NINOfficial torrent:

Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts I (2008)

From the torrent's readme.txt:
Nine Inch Nails: Ghosts I (2008)

Hello from Nine Inch Nails.

We\\\'re very proud to present a new collection of instrumental music, Ghosts I-IV. Almost two hours of music recorded over an intense ten week period last fall, Ghosts I-IV sprawls Nine Inch Nails across a variety of new terrain.

Now that we\\\'re no longer constrained by a record label, we\\\'ve decided to personally upload Ghosts I, the first of the four volumes, to various torrent sites, because we believe BitTorrent is a revolutionary digital distribution method, and we believe in finding ways to utilize new technologies instead of fighting them.

We encourage you to share the music of Ghosts I with your friends, post it on your website, play it on your podcast, use it for video projects, etc. It\\\'s licensed for all non-commercial use under Creative Commons.

We\\\'ve also made a 40 page PDF book to accompany the album. If you\\\'d like to download it for free, visit http://ghosts.nin.com/main/pdf

Ghosts I is the first part of the 36 track collection Ghosts I-IV. Undoubtedly you\\\'ll be able to find the complete collection on the same torrent network you found this file, but if you\\\'re interested in the release, we encourage you to check it out at ghosts.nin.com, where the complete Ghosts I-IV is available directly from us in a variety of DRM-free digital formats, including FLAC lossless, for only $5. You can also order it on CD, or as a deluxe package with multitrack audio files, high definition audio on Blu-ray disc, and a large hard-bound book.

We genuinely appreciate your support, and hope you enjoy the new music. Thanks for listening.


For those interested in the full Ghosts I-IV, you can check out the NIN Ghosts sub site, which also includes a free 40 page PDF download, aka album inserts for the digital audio age.

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Oct 25, 2007

Tis the Season... for haunting.

With Halloween just around the corner, I just thought I'd post some well-wishes for the best season of the year, and share some famous ghostly images I came across today.

Check out this link for some of the all time classic 'ghost pictures'. The one above has always been a favourite of mine.


Aug 1, 2007

The most important petition ever...

Sure, you could spend your hard earned seconds adding your signature any number of causes, but if there's only ONE Spacey Award nomination you spend your valuable activism time on, make sure it's to ensure that Todd McGuinness wins the 2008 Spacey Award for the Best Debut Performance by a Canadian Actor in a Supporting Role in a No-Budget, English-Language, Feature-Length Movie by a First Time Director Whose Name Rhymes With 'King-Pin' (Oh, and He Has a Ponytail, Too, The Actor We Mean, Not The Director). Don't take MY word for it though. See what TMcG himself has to say here.

If you've never seen his performance in "Killing Schrodinger's Cats" you can get a sample from the trailer from the KSC website. You won't be disappointed.

"But I haven't seen the whole movie, wouldn't it be wrong to add my name?", you ask...

Maybe, but remember these other very important factors. The director's name is King-Pin, and that's his REAL name, not some made up "I WANT to be cool" name. It's what he was born as. And Todd, well his last name is McGUINNESS. Guinness is the best damned beer in the world.

Until next time...

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Jun 27, 2007

Hypothetially Speaking: Comics

Those who can, do. Those who can't, blog about it.

Seriously, my buddy Paul (of The Laroquod Experiment) recently released issue one of his webcomic....
Apparently, I have another blog. It's called, The Laroquod Experiment, and it seems to be mostly about filmmaking, but it's also about my story. And my story begins here...

At the release party, which boiled down to pints of Guinness, we went off on a tangent about 'photo novels', or fumetti.

Back in the 1970's, a number of popular films and TV shows were adapted as paperback sized comic-books illustrated with stills from the show. The one's I recall as a kid were from the original Star Trek series, as well as Battlestar Galactica. I don't recall seeing much in the way of fumetti after the very early 1980's, and in fact never even heard them called fumetti until some time in late 80's/early 90's when I was doing one of my tour of duties working in a comic shop.

What does this have to do with Paul's webcomic? Well, Paul has decided to use photos to illustrate his webcomic, but instead of using them straight up, he's treating the images, giving them a graphic novel type look. The final result is visually very effective. I'm also digging the story, and not just because I'm a friend, so don't hesitate to check out the Spine Tinglingly Fabulous First Issue of Hypothesis.


Mar 13, 2007


Comedy Central has been hyping it's Motherload online video clips for a while now. In an effort to be 'tech savvy' they've been putting up clips of The Colbert Report and other popular shows, and even allowing people to embed Motherload clips on their website.

Well, I did just that, and within a week or two, Comedy Central pulled the clip. They're well within their rights to do so, and I'm not gonna give them grief, but at the same time, they shouldn't expect too many people to use the 'embed' feature if the video is going to disappear.

I guess that the Viacom mothership can just keep issuing blanket DCMA notices to YouTube, and gather up so many innocent dolphins in their nets.

I guess this is what you get when you have marketing wonks who think that because they read this really neat article about "Web 2.0" then they're suddenly 'savvy'.

This isn't a knock at Colbert. I'm still waiting for the Colbert/Stewart (or Stewart/Colbert if you prefer) ticket to be announced in 2008.

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Jan 12, 2007

Colbert Flaccid... with RAGE!

Though the bit is funny in it's own right, the fact that Comedy Central seems to "get" this Web 2.0 embedded, sharing world better than most 'big media' organs deserves it's own kudos.

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Jan 11, 2007

Spiders on drugs

From the archives of Environment Canada's Hinterland Who's Who. Watch and enjoy as mean hearted scientist types experiment with dosing Wood Spiders with LSD and caffeine.

UPDATE: HERE is a post from the creator of the video, talking about how other's jacked his video, slapped Ebaum's logos on it and all that crap. If you thought the vid was funny, let him know. And if he ever gets around to putting it on metacafe or revver, make sure you watch it again!

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Dec 12, 2006

A May Day Mystery Update

Since 1981, a series of cryptic ads have been placed in the Arizona Daily Wildcat at least once a year on May 1st, by a group calling itself "The Orphanage". I first came across the site with the scans (as linked on wiki) a couple of years ago. There's a new ad out as of Dec 5th.

It's seriously cool stuff (if you're into cryptic puzzles).

read more | digg story


Jun 22, 2006

Meteor Collision Simulation

At first I thought this was cool, just because it's fun to watch, and I dig the Japanese narration. Then I found out that science has found a way to prevent such a catastrophe.

Don't watch THIS until you see THIS.

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Jun 5, 2006

Animator vs Animation

As someone who works in Flash, I gotta say that this animation is hilarious.

read more | digg story


Mar 10, 2006

Live Action Simpson Intro...

The title says it all.

The coolest thing on YouTube at the moment...

Watch it!


Jan 24, 2006

YTMND Mosaic made from first 100,000 ytmnds

Sean Connery made up of the first 100,000 ytmnds ever made.

Apparently the JPG was 4GB!

read more | digg story


Jan 6, 2006

Pure Pwnage Pwns n00bs!

I just had to add a link to my fave vidcast of the moment...

Pure Pwnage

It's the powerful story of a powerful gamer, who pwns n00bs.

It had me rofling and lolling!

nuff said.


Nov 17, 2005

From the "How stupid are some users" dept.

From the "How stupid are some users" dept.

M was having problems with a crashed computer in her company's phone room. They use really old systems that run a bare bones linux install, but even though they're dirt cheap to replace, she decided to take a look inside.

Being pretty savvy a sniffing out computer problems, M was torn as to what the problem could be, but not because she couldn't see the problem.... quite the opposite...

Could it be the green pencil below?

Or the empty bag of salty snacks...

Ultimately, I think it was the what APPEARS to be a chocolate bar jammed into the floppy drive.


Oct 26, 2005

SA 8300 teleported from Springfield!

In a recent firmware update, there's a drastic change in brand names on the SA 8300! Good stuff

read more | digg story


Aug 18, 2005

C'mon down to South Park

My South Park Character
What I would look like in South Park mode.

Want to make your own?

SP Builder


Feb 1, 2005

More Dead Squarepants!

Breaking News

More photos of Spongebob tragedy!


Spongebob Death!

Spongebob Squarepants Dead in Toronto Alley.


Aug 31, 2004

Was the moon landing faked?

Not by the evidence presented on the WWW.

From time to time, I hear the stories about how the moon landing was faked. Now, I'm willing to listen to a good conspiracy theory, especially if it's well backed up.

I'm a not-inflexible kind of guy.

So I decided to take it upon myself to see what evidence was being offered up, and how it comes out. I've seen an number of sites that talk about the "photographic evidence", and after looking at a couple of them, realize that they are either pulling a fast one on gullible readers, or they really have no clue. I've taken the following images from....


And offer the author's commentary, prefaced by the word CLAIM:
Following that, you'll see MY analysis, prefaced by DOUG SAYS: I'll try to keep my tone light, just as the original author has. For those into conspiracy stuff, I hope this offers a breath of fresh air.

CLAIM: Lets face it, there isn't really a heapload of evidence that we didn't go to the moon. Why would there be? NASA doesn't WANT evidence that we went to the moon. NASA wants people not to ask questions, and keep living their happy little lives. But here is some evidence that you cannot argue with. My theory is that the moon landing were set on a sound stage, not in space. (Perhaps an Air Force base near San Bernardino, called Norton Air Force Base, where they have the world's largest sound stages under tremendously efficient security).

DOUG SAYS: An easier explanation could be that it's difficult to prove a negative, especially when the evidence suggests that we DID go to the moon. natch.

CLAIM: On the moon, there is only one light source, the sun. This is a shot of Buzz Aldrin and Neal Armstrong planting the US flag on the moon. If the sun is the only light source used by NASA on the moon, Aldrins shadow A shadows should not be so much longer than Armstrong's

DOUG SAYS: First, if the two figures were lit by two light sources, we'd see two shadows of each. That's just the way it is. It's abundantly clear that the figure to the right is standing on a slope, as BOTH figures' shadows are more foreshortened near the left side of the image, near the A which is where the slope is leveling off.

CLAIM: This is a famous picture labeled "Man on the Moon" I have a poster of this picture hanging on my wall in my room, and it always gives me a chuckle.

DOUG SAYS: That it is. I think it's a pretty cool icon of one of mankind's better achievements, as opposed to laughing.

CLAIM: If you will look at area B you will notice a shadow cast across Buzz Aldrin's space suit. Once again, if the Sun is the only light source used on the moon, this shadow would have been MUCH darker.
Looking at area C you will notice that the surface of the moon fades off into the distance, then is met with the moon's horizon. In a no-atmosphere environment, the ground shouldn't have faded out, but stayed crystal sharp unto the moon's horizon.

DOUG SAYS: B:The shadow is what those of us who know a bit about light call "reflective light". The lunar lander is covered in reflective gold foil. C: Well, the moon is MUCH smaller than the earth, so the horizon line would appear closer, and it's clear in the photograph that as we look off in the distance, things are getting more blurry. It's called focus, and the camera obviously didn't have the background in focus.

CLAIM: Looking at area D you can plainly see some type of structure reflected through Aldrins helmet. I do not know what it is, but it is there.

DOUG SAYS: This actually refers to B in the same picture, because guess what that structure is... the lunar lander, which would be reflecting gold light onto the front of the space suit. You can see it all in the reflection. It's not rocket science... or is it.... cue spooky music.

UPDATE: On seeing another version of this pic, I realize it's object that is circled in red that is the structure in question. When looking at it again, I find it interesting that we can see to the left of it, another piece of NASA equipment that looks almost identica, though there's not really enough detail to be certain. I'd say I'm 99.9% certain though. :)

CLAIM: In this picture, taken from the LEM, you can see at least two abnormalities. In section E you see an abnormal shadow on the moon's surface. NASA claims that this shadow is the shadow cast by the Lunar Module, but on earth, even when aircraft is flying low to the ground, it does not produce such a clearly defined shadow.

DOUG SAYS: I'd hate to rain on anyone's parade, but that actually looks more like some apparatus in the forground than a shadow on the moon.

CLAIM: OK, here's the kicker... if you will look at section 3 you will notice there are no stars in the sky. In fact, you will never see any stars in any NASA Moon photographs, or hear an astronaut mention anything about the glorious stars that are visible when out of the earths atmosphere.

DOUG SAYS: Oh no! No stars! The jig is up guys run for the hills....wait a second. Here on earth, it's pretty freakin' hard to get a picture of stars, when the sun and terrestial light sources are washing them out. It's called contrast ratio. Whew...the cover-up is still safe.

CLAIM: if you look in areas 6 and J , you will again see no stars. In area K you will notice that one side of the LEM in covered in shadow, but somehow the symbol of the US flag in illuminated. This very well could have been a touch up job.

DOUG SAYS: 6 and J, covered already... let's not belabour the point. As for K, well, you see, unlike a space suit, the material for a flag is very translucent. That means it allows light to come though from behind. Look at a flag on a sunny day, or look at the closing of Saving Private Ryan. It happens every day.

CLAIM: This is a picture of Alan Bean holding up a Special Environmental Examiner Container. This picture was taken off a camera that was strapped to Conrad's chest. If the camera was attached to Conrad's chest, the top of Bean's helmet L should not be in this picture.

DOUG SAYS: Unless, of course, Conrad tilted forward a little, or they are standing at different elevations, or Bean is kneeling will gathering a sample... but heck, that's too easy.

CLAIM: All of the shadows reflected in Bean's visor M are going off in separate directions, not in parallel lines like they should be.

DOUG SAYS: I don't know what to make of this one. The helmet is a curved reflection, so ALL reflections are distorted, and based on the curvature, they look right to me.

CLAIM: If you will look at the Environmental sampler that Al Bean is holding, N , The reflection is coming from a light source other than the sun, but it is possible that light is being reflected off the space suit.

DOUG SAYS: Yes, it's being reflected of the space suit. You are correct. Why not try using that logic on the "Man in the Moon" picture above. heheh, I'm a smartass at times.

CLAIM: There is a strange anomaly in the sky 7. It is yet to be determined what that might be.

DOUG SAYS: Of course, it could be one of many objects used by the astronauts in the sojourns on the surface of the moon. If I stood outside your bedroom window at night, and dangled a broom horizontally, so that you only saw the back end without support, would you assume that there was a witch on her flying broom, or would I need to provide spooky sound effects to complete the illusion?

CLAIM: In our last picture, I would like to direct your attention to the circled portion of the screen. These Lunar Rover tracks are quite well defined, don't you agree? Well, the fact is, you need a mixture of a compound, and water, to make such defined lines. I don't know if that idea is so convincing, but I assure you, this next one is.

DOUG SAYS: Here's a little test.

Part One: Take a bag of cocaine, or if you don't have a couple of kilos of fine Columbian blow lying around, use a bag of flour. Dump it your kitchen counter and run a Tonka truck through it. The tracks will be VERY defined until A: wind blows them away, or gravity runs it's course.

Part Two Now, pour a bunch of water on the flour and mix it up. Run the Tonka truck though it again. Are the tracks...

A) more defined
B) less defined
C) the beginnings of a tasty chocolate chip cookie recipe (or a pissed of drug dealer if you tried this with cocaine)?

In light of this experiment, reread your above comment and understand why I ruined a perfectly good keyboard when I read that statement with a mouthful of coke (a cola - not cocaine).

CLAIM: If you look at the rock labeled R you will notice a the letter C carved in the rock. Perhaps a gag left by the props department?

DOUG SAYS: Or it could be a natural phenomenon. I'd say if it WAS a gag by the props department, they're not very funny, and probably aren't working any more. As an update, it's come to my attention, via the power of the sometimes good Penn & Teller that the "C" is actually a hair in the print. The original negative doesn't have the same markings....

CLAIM: Here is a portion of the previous picture, blown up. Take a look at the cross hairs that appear on the picture. These hairs appear on EVERY lunar picture. These cross hairs are placed between the shutter of the camera, and the film, supposedly. If you take a look at the cross hair on the left, this cross hair was placed behind the lunar rover, you can see the Lunar Rover is in front of the cross hairs.

DOUG SAYS: Actually, when a really bright object, like that part of the rover is behind something dark, the light tends to wash it out. Like it does in this picture. Plain and simple. I've seen others talk about the same "phenomenon" in a couple of other pics, and in every other case, it was always in front of a bright object.

CLAIM: On with the Facts!!!

DOUG SAYS: Oh goody! NOW we get the facts!!! Not some piss poor analysis!!!

Seriously, if anyone REALLY wants to look up the rest, the link is above, so knock yourself out. Also try googling "moon landing faked" for more crapstacular analysis. I'm up to seeing some GOOD evidence, but so far I'm betting that those 30 chimps I have chained up in my basement have a better chance of typing up a copy of the KJV Bible (but replacing the word "thou" with "Charles") well before I see some real good evidence.

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