Jan 24, 2002

MMCW for LW 7.5

Originally post on the Newtek forums Thursday, January 24, 2002 - 02:48 pm:

I'm working on a new plugin called the "Make My Character Walk" button. The main parameters are determining the characters sex, amount of realism desired and speed. The fourth parameter is Type,
which presents options for the type of walk. Here is a screen shot...

Here are some of the other types available.

  • Walk-->Menacingly - options include "In A Rush", "Pacing Around The Good Guy" and "Pacing Around the Bridge/Castle/Evil Fortress"

  • Walk-->Happy - options include "Studly Strut", "Merry Skip", and "Gotta Get to the Theatre to see the latest George Lucas (ahem) Masterpiece"

  • Walk-->Guarding my really cool Evil Fortress

    (which works in conjunction with the "Build Really Cool Evil Fortress" plugin)

  • Walk-->Drunken Stagger - input variables of "How Much Alcohol" and "Over How Much Time"

I'm sorry, I couldn't help posting it. I created that image recently, when my boss was bugging me about not having a character textured and rigged for animation (it was later that same day).

Feel free to pass it around, especially if you have someone sitting over your shoulder when working.

Well, that about does it. Let me know if you've enjoyed this by dropping me a line at doug@dougplanet.com, (or if you thought it was a waste of bandwidth, but if so, then why did you read the whole thing :)

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Jan 12, 2002

All Your Base Are Belong To Us

I found the following sitting on my old site :) For those who remember the craze when it first hit, it may bring back memories. The whole thing seemed to really build up in the gaming community, and for a while, anybody playing CounterStrike had to put up with people sending the messages over and over and over. For those who aren't familiar with the whole All Your Base Are Belong To US phenom, this page probably makes no sense whatsoever, but I'd recommend doing a google for AYBABTU and find the video that started it all. Or try, AYBABTU on wiki. Anyways, I post it here, because there may be interest (though I doubt it).

For great justice!
