Aug 1, 2007

The most important petition ever...

Sure, you could spend your hard earned seconds adding your signature any number of causes, but if there's only ONE Spacey Award nomination you spend your valuable activism time on, make sure it's to ensure that Todd McGuinness wins the 2008 Spacey Award for the Best Debut Performance by a Canadian Actor in a Supporting Role in a No-Budget, English-Language, Feature-Length Movie by a First Time Director Whose Name Rhymes With 'King-Pin' (Oh, and He Has a Ponytail, Too, The Actor We Mean, Not The Director). Don't take MY word for it though. See what TMcG himself has to say here.

If you've never seen his performance in "Killing Schrodinger's Cats" you can get a sample from the trailer from the KSC website. You won't be disappointed.

"But I haven't seen the whole movie, wouldn't it be wrong to add my name?", you ask...

Maybe, but remember these other very important factors. The director's name is King-Pin, and that's his REAL name, not some made up "I WANT to be cool" name. It's what he was born as. And Todd, well his last name is McGUINNESS. Guinness is the best damned beer in the world.

Until next time...

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